Thursday, July 2, 2009

La Fête de 1 Juillet

July 1st is Canada Day...July 4th is U.S.A. Day...July 14th is France Day. We at the base decided that three back to back parties would not be the best of ideas (seeing as half of us would be gone for the last two), and also that some of those countries by themselves couldn't really warrant a full-out party *cough* Canada *cough*. The base supplied 24 pieces of turkey, and Andy and I grilled them. As we sat down to eat, Byron began orchestrating each national anthem while playing it on a laptop. It wasn't all that moving, but it was fun to watch. The party overall went really well, and it was a good time to get everyone together, even those not in YWAM at all, just members of local churches.
Everyone enjoying their meal

Byron conducting
The first time I have grilled turkey

In other news, the heat here has been crazy. It has been hovering around 35 Celsius lately, and England recently had to announce its' first dangerous heatwave in media history. Also, without any recent winds, it's hard to get away from the heat. Tomorrow, however, I leave for Norway. Being close to the arctic circle, I'm expecting slightly cooler temperatures. I will let you know.

A plus

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