Sunday, June 14, 2009

Les Montagne

This weekend I left for the Alpage Mountain range for a retreat with a church in town. These mountains are just a small strip of mountains that some refer to as the "Pre-alps", as they are the buffer zone between the Rhone Valley and the French Alps. The retreat was just a one night retreat, lasting all day Saturday until Sunday afternoon. We arrived at the place we were staying at about noon on saturday after about an 1 1/2 hour drive (which is considered very long in France). Where we were staying was a Christian camp for churches and youth groups. It had a soccer field, pool, ping pong tables, plenty of space, and comfortable arrangements. The location was great, nestled right in the mountains with an awesome view all around. The nearest town was the town of Die (pronounced "dee"). The first day, I got to know everyone (on a limited French basis of course) and really enjoyed the surroundings. Hiking trails were everywhere, and the soccer field became useful. That night, we all sat down and played card games and told jokes. Of course, they would tell the joke twice, once quickly, and once slowly pour moi. Sunday morning after breakfast, we had a makeshift church service. It really went well, and I ended up playing guitar for the service. Overall, my stay was great, and I got to know some really cool people who go to the church.

After church, myself and two other decided to drive up the mountain to a place where two trails start. The trails lead to the top of one of the tallest mountains in the area for an incredible view. However, as great at the view was, the drive up was just as amazing. The roads fit the perfect stereotype for the Alps. Long, curvy stretches followed by a tight hairpin turn. It was this way for miles as it went up and over the mountains. No guardrails at any point, with drops that take your breath away just looking down. We arrived to the trail entrance and began our two hour hike to the top and back. The hike was on a well maintained path that serves as a sheep herding path during the later summer for thousands of sheep. It overlooked the roads as it ascended just before entering into a wide open meadow. The meadow was gorgeous and had signs up about respecting the sheep. It actually said, if you respect the sheep, you eat better. As for this hike, I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

We left for home at about 6. The trip back we drove through lavender fields and wine vineyards, which made for a very scenic route. Also, this Thursday I will have been here a month now. I have really enjoyed my time so far and have had a great experience! I want to thank everyone for reading! Also, this next weekend I am really considering going to Switzerland to see the Alps, so I will keep everyone posted!

Basically says share the mountain with the sheep
Click on the picture and look at these roads!

The tallest mountain in the range

The hills are alive...!!!

Instead of helping me...

If your dog is not a sheep herding dog... put it on a leash while sheep are present

Ok... Two 4x4s came down this small rock path. What?? This guy must have dented every part of his car as he came down this path. He was scraping the walls on both sides, and I really have no idea how he got past some of the later areas, I almost wanted to follow him to see.

The walkway carved out of the side of the mountain

If you are a car enthusiast, this is your ultimate playground.

After I got back, I realized I took almost no pictures of the actual place we were staying, only the surrounds. Here we are eating lunch.

This was a small stream beside the base

The ride back! Notice where the lavender meets the vineyard

Southern French Vineyards

Pronounced "dee"

The view from the porch

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