Let me start with my first story. It is kind of random, but I enjoyed it. So we are working outside, digging an irrigation system. There is one area where we are making four connections, so we are digging out an area to build a concrete box for easy access in the future. Well, instead of concrete, we decided to use the 100s of rocks laying around the base. So, we found a large rock, too big for what we needed. We then proceed to saw it in half. Ya, that's right, saw it. In less than 20 minutes, while taking turns, we sawed perfectly through this rock to make two walls for our box. I had never done this, and actually didn't know we could. Check it out!
Ok, the other story is a little bit more significant. Yesterday, I was invited by someone who works with YWAM to come teach english classes at the local middle schools and high schools. So, I left around 3:30 to head to the school. The first class I went to were sixth graders, and there were seven of them. We did things like looking at a map of the United States and telling them where I am from, competitions with numbers, and talking about different things we each like. It went well, and the kids seemed interested. I was told afterward that they rarely get to meet people who speak English as a first language and because of that, they were actually interested in the class. The second class was ninth graders. They were more advanced, and even though we did mostly the same things, they could answer more questions. One girl seemed to be way ahead of every one else, to the point that she seemed bored doing stuff like "where you are from" and "what you like to do". I really enjoyed it, and from what I understand, they took the class much more seriously than when a French teahcer gives the class. Overall, it was a good experience, and I told them if they wanted me to do it again, I would.
Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for reading!
A bientot
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