The title says it all. Today, after doing some work around the base, specifically working on an irrigation system, a few of us decided to drive down to McDonald's for dinner. Now, I'm not a huge McDonald's eater, but I felt it a cultural experience. Also, in my last semester sociology class we studied the influence of McDonald's and fast food in the modern world. So, I wanted to see what the McDonald's of France is like. When we arrived, the first things I noticed were the prices. It's funny how you can look at the price of a Big Mac in a country and see the influence of A. GDP B. Competition and I also think C: Work Days. They all tie together. There is actually an economic term that refers to this, aptly named the "Big Mac Index". Check it out here. The price for a Big Mac in the states is around $3.85? I believe that is what it is at, which makes the combo about $5. Well, here, the Big Mac, not sold separately, can be bought in a combo for 6.70 Euros, which comes to $9.38 American Dollars. Now that is a jump. Now I am no expert, but I can make an educated guess as to why.
First off, this McDonald's is the only fast food place anywhere in the 15kms vicinity, which makes them not only an American "Icon", but a unique commodity in this part of the world. Also, the Rhone-Alps region of France is very wealthy, specifically because of the wine, and therefore people can afford it. Also, very rarely do people here eat without their family. The 12 - 2 lunch break everyday allows for workers to go home, cook, and enjoy a meal with their family, then get off at 5 and do it again. So, in other words, the drive-through doesn't stay very busy. Those are just a few of my guesses.
O ya, and the theme for the McDonald's was New York City, and all drinks and fries are about half the size of the U.S. equivalent. The McFlurry, for example, is the same price, but served in a bowl. Hmmmm...
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