Tuesday, May 19, 2009

La Maison

Hey again,
After two train rides and a grocery store, I'm where home is for the next 10 weeks. I took a bullet train from Paris to Lyon and I have to admit, it was very smooth and extremely fast. Not only could you not hear anything, but other than a few turns, I felt as if I were sitting still. The second train was just a normal railcar and even though it was only half the distance, it took twice the time. Before coming to the base, we stopped and I bought my first load of groceries as I have to cook for myself during my time here. I stayed simple by choosing eggs, cereal, bread, salad ingredients, yogurt, and a small box of chicken nuggets. We also drove through town while on the way back, and this town is amazing. If you ever had any stereotypes in your head of those two story colorful buildings with cafes making for long narrow streets with archaic street lights and older than time stone roads, you got it right. Everything about this town is just full of southern France. There is even a school dedicated to horseback riding and the pasture surrounds a soccer field... Naturally. Also, it has a bowling alley, a swimming pool, enough space for way more than its' population (8,000) and a catholic church from like the 11th century that still has mass every sunday. All in all, it's an awesome place. Now the base is a three hundred year old farmhouse built of stone. The garden is very nice, and there are even two donkey outside that nearby farmers use to carry things up and down the hills next to the base. I know right? I have my own apartment (see pictures), with wheels, and it is actually extremely comfortable. Tomorrow I am attending a French class in town with two other members of the base, so that should be interesting. I'll keep you posted!

A tout á l'heure,


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