Friday, February 13, 2009

Please choose a blog name

Location: Berry College
Creating a name for blog is a very difficult task. When asked what I wanted the name of my blog to be, I spent more than ten minutes simply thinking about my life now, life tomorrow, and life later. Because this blog is an overall blog of events, feelings, and random writings during my life abroad, the question seemed very deep. I started with a few ideas that mostly revolved around traveling, seeing as that is one of my passions and the focus of the blog. I almost chose the name, "Life as a constant, Location as a variable", but I felt it slightly to long to pass as a name. You may see this statement come up in my writings at some point though. Then I thought more cliche-like, using the overused phrase, "Wherever life leads me". However, I personally have a problem with this quote. Being a ballroom dancer, an insecure lead worries me. Being a male, not leading also worries me. Also, there are some people who simply live their lives and don't lead their lives. I personally want to lead my life in the best direction possible, which will require finesse, a strong and secure lead, and of course, rhythm. Therefore, my blog title will remain, "Leading Life".

1 comment:

  1. You think a lot about little things. I admire that.

    ~ Kaitlin
